Listen to Episode #5:

Summary of Episode #5:

Chris Bond is an Energy Industry Expert with +40 years of track record. He is now crunching data to evaluate how challenging achieving the Net Zero Scenarios is. He has analyzed regions well advanced in Energy Transition such as California, Texas, the UK, and Australia; the results are surprising.

Ravi and JAM spoke with Chris to understand whether those electric systems' energy storage requirements are reasonable (and feasible).

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Biography of Chris Bond

Chris Bond is a forty-year expert in the Energy sector, who analyses real data - mainly from the UK and USA, but also from Europe and Australia – to assess whether reality supports net zero ambitions. 

Before happily retiring and starting to crunch data, Chris worked in insurance risk engineering for companies such as Marsh, Willis, and Swiss Re, visiting energy facilities in more than 50 countries. 

The first part of his career spanned around 25 years, initially at a UK petrochemicals complex. After several years he moved to an engineering role at the UK office of a global process licensor, from which he transferred to the USA for about 2½ years (including 9/11).

Chris retired in 2021 and became interested in how ‘net zero’ was being presented as a simple goal. In early 2022 he started downloading and crunching data for his Substack from which he has gained further appreciation of how vast the power generation sector is.

Chris has a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering from Cambridge.